New Pretreatment Administrator
The Sanitary District of Decatur is pleased to announce Austin Gruber joining the SDD team in the role of Pretreatment Administrator. The Pretreatment Administrator coordinates and administers the daily activity of the Industrial Pretreatment Program as approved by the USEPA and Illinois EPA; represents the District as the point of contact with the Industrial Users, […]
New Director of Compliance and Innovation
The Sanitary District of Decatur is pleased to announce Ashley Bailey joining the SDD team in the role of Director of Compliance and Innovation. The Director of Compliance and Innovation Plans, coordinates, directs and administers the regulatory and compliance activities of the District; represents the District at hearings and meetings related to regulatory and environmental […]
Between 1985 and 1990, the Sanitary District of Decatur established thirteen acres of restored native prairie on the west side of Dipper Lane. The District is now faced with constantly fighting an invasion of non-native and woody plants. Because this is not our area of expertise, the Sanitary District partners with the Macon County Conservation District […]
Know What Not To Flush – Quiz
The Sanitary District of Decatur is reminding residents to never flush wipes, feminine hygiene products and more – even if the package claims they’re flushable. Flushing these items causes sewage back-ups in homes and costly break-downs of wastewater treatment equipment, which in turn can potentially contaminate local waterways and pose a health and safety risk. […]
The Sanitary District of Decatur was formed in 1917 and is the regional wastewater treatment authority for central Macon County Illinois providing wastewater treatment services to the residents and industrial and commercial users in the Decatur metropolitan area including Argenta, Decatur, Forsyth, Mt. Zion and Oreana.