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The Sanitary District of Decatur adheres to all requirements of the IDOL as it relates to Prevailing Wages, please read below before submitting for any Project, Bid, or Quote. Thank you.

Prevailing Wage Act

The Prevailing Wage Act (ILCS 130/1 et. seq.) requires that all Illinois governmental entities, including home rule units of local government, either accept the prevailing wages determined by the Illinois Department of Labor or investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in the Act for workers employed to perform work on public works construction projects in the locality in which the work is performed.

Certified Transcript of Payroll Pursuant to PA 100-1177 and 820 ILCS 130/5.1, the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) is charged with developing and maintaining an online portal for prevailing wage construction contractors to file their certified payrolls with IDOL.

Consequently, contractors and subcontractors shall submit to the Sanitary District with their application for payment a signed statement attesting that: (i) certified payroll has been submitted to the Illinois Department of Labor (ii) such payroll is true and accurate; (iii) the hourly rate paid to each worker is at least equal to the prevailing wage for such work.

Current Prevailing Rates – Conciliation and Mediation Division (  – Select Macon County

Certified Transcript of Payroll.pdf (

            Certified Transcript of Payroll (IL452CM01) (

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