New MIS Coordinator and Systems Integrator Employees
The Sanitary District of Decatur is pleased to announce Patrick Owens joining the SDD team in the role of Systems Integrator and Mark Cable joining the SDD team in the role of MIS Coordinator.
The Systems Integrator is responsible for designing, programming, maintaining, and integrating the District’s automation systems to provide reliable real-time and trend information for the efficient and effective attended and unattended operation of the District.
Patrick has an Associate’s in Applied Science and a Certificate of Achievement in Electrical Distribution. Patrick has a strong desire to learn new skills and should be a great addition to our team!
The MIS Coordinator performs the role of network administrator and provides day-to-day management of Information Technology (IT) equipment and software. Acts as SDD Help Desk to work with staff on day-to-day issues that arise. Plans, schedules, and designs operations of Information Technology (IT) and designs programs to process business data and solve District related problems by the use of electronic data processing equipment.
Patrick Owens Mark Cable